2013 Lucas Oil Offroad Racing : Campbell Racing and Whats Going On?

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2013 Lucas Oil Offroad Racing

by Tammy Campbell on 03/14/13

This will be Waylands 2nd time in the Prolite truck and he's going to be racing with the big dogs.  Shannon just wanted Wayland to try out the Prolite at the Regional race a couple of weeks ago and thought wow for his first time ever being in the truck he did very well.  A great friend and a sponsors said, "Wayland do you want to race in the Lucas Series?"  By now I'm sure you know the answer. LOL!  This weekend March 16 & 17 will be rounds 1 and 2 for the series right here in Arizona at Firebird Raceway.  I won't deny that I am extremely nervous. Shannon, Nick, Ron, Wayland, Bailey and many other helpers have been really working hard to get everything ready.  Thank you Thank you to everyone!!!  Well its time to head to the track to get set up.  Friday is qualifying.  Go to the lucas site for a schedule of events.  www.lucasoiloffroad.com